Operation theater validation test
In an environment such as the operating room the possession of appropriate requirements takes an even greater importance in view of the need to ensure high standards of safety for both patients and operators. A preventative maintenance program with regular inspection and maintenance is absolutely essential.
The importance of environmental quality in the hospital sector is an issue now discussed and dealt with for many years, largely regulated by technical standards and especially by increasing the current legislation on workplace safety.
In an environment such as the operating room the possession of appropriate requirements takes an even greater importance in view of the need to ensure high standards of safety for both patients and operators.
The validation of the operating room, therefore, becomes a necessary step in compliance with national and regional legislation.
This validation is configured as Performance-Based Qualification for the existing operating rooms and it has the aim to ascertain the compliance of the system parameters and environmental hygiene required by legislation, technical regulations and industry guidelines in force.
We are following tests are used for operation theater :
1.Air Born particle count test
2.Air flow test: Air flow rate or Air velocity Distribution
3.Filter leakage test (Filter integrity test)
4.Differential air and pressure test
5.Temparature and Humidity Uniformity Test
6.Light Intensity Measurement
7.Sound Level Measurement